Fli Fi

How Temporary WiFi Solutions Can Elevate Your Events

Woman Accessing Temporary WiFi Solutions Corporate Events

Imagine your corporate events or festival in full swing – attendees engaged, production teams working seamlessly, and vendors making transactions effortlessly, all thanks to a robust and high-speed WiFi network. Flawless connectivity is the cornerstone of successful corporate events and festivals, empowering everyone involved to operate efficiently and engage fully with the event’s content and […]

How to properly plan for trader WiFi at your event

Trader taking payment over WiFi

Fed up of hearing your traders moan about poor WiFi? Are you losing traders because they are unable to take payments at your event? It’s not an uncommon challenge for event directors to deal with.  Traders that experience interruptions in connectivity when trying to take payments can become rather disgruntled (understandably so we think) due […]

8 top temporary WiFi providers for 2023

So you’re looking for a temporary WiFi solution within the UK?  Then you’ve come to the right place.  With a minefield of temporary WiFi providers out there, offering an array of different services and solutions, you’ll want to establish which one can provide a great service at the right price-point for you.  Perhaps you are […]

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